Pyrotechnic Gas Generator

Rapid & Reliable.

Product Description

A solid propellant pyrotechnic gas generator is essentially an airbag inflator without a bag. The gas generated is discharged directly into ambience or purposefully contained for efficient use.  Typically, a pyrotechnic gas generator consists of a solid propellant, which, upon ignition, rapidly reacts to generate gas-phase combustion products and particulates, an igniter to initiate the combustion of the propellant, a filter system to prevent or minimize or contain particulates from the combustive reaction, a heat transfer mechanism to cool the high temperature combustion gas and an exhaust mechanism to disperse the gas efficiently.

Our gas generators are a gas-producing pyrotechnic device – initiated by electro-explosive or mechanical percussion devices and Explosive Transfer Lines (ETLs).

Key Features

How Pyrotechnic Gas Generators Work

Pyrotechnic Gas Generators, which can be mechanically, electrically, or laser initiated, use pyrotechnic mixtures to produce hot gas for various applications such as pressurizing hydraulic power systems, inflating devices, injecting electrolyte into dry charge battery systems, and expelling fluids from closed systems. Upon receiving an input stimulus, the propellant ignites, emitting heat, hot particles, and gas at a controlled rate to meet the necessary input for subsequent assemblies. PacSci EMC can customize these generators by incorporating propellant grains of different geometries and hardware features to precisely control the gas output rate, ensuring it meets specific pressure versus time delivery requirements.


  • All-Fire
    4.5 amps for 10 milliseconds minimum
  • No-Fire
    1.0 amp / 1.0 watt for 5 minutes maximum
  • Operating Temperature
    -54°C to +71°C
  • Burn Time
    With the application of the All-Fire current, Generators are tailored to produce gas delivery at application specific pressure / time requirements.
  • Function Time
    With the application of the All-Fire current, Generators will begin to generate hot gas within 50 milliseconds.
  • Applicable Specifications
    Qualified to


Gas Generator geometric interface features and performance can be customized to fit many customer envelopes/applications.

Specification Questions

Questions to Consider

  • Application – what are you trying to accomplish?
  • What are your pressure profile requirements?
  • Redundancy requirements?
  • Input power requirements – electrical, ETL, mechanical?
  • Environmental requirements?
  • Qualification requirements?
  • Military or other requirements?


  • What is pyrotechnic gas?

    A pyrotechnic gas generator consists of a solid propellant, which, upon ignition, rapidly reacts to generate gas-phase combustion products and particulates.

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