Pyrotechnic Igniter

Starting Critical Missions. Controlled. Predictive & Reliable.

Product Description

60+ Years Starting Critical Missions.

When it comes to rocket motor ignition and engine starting, we offer simultaneous specific thrust and burn solutions with our pyro igniters in addition to a seamless, cost-effective operation. We deliver numerous Pyrotechnic Igniter designs that actuate control systems, deploy and retract equipment, start turbine motors, ignite rocket motors and provide ground safety during vehicle launch.

PacSci EMC pyro igniters are trusted by our customers to ensure successful performance on their applications missiles, space, aircraft and ground operations. Qualified to MIL-STD-1576, MIL-STD-1512 and MIL-1-23659 (initiator devices).

Our Pyrotechnic Igniters

Key Features

Ignition. Controlled & Predictive – Pyrotechnic Igniter

• Qualified and delivering ground safety & launch of Delta IV, MHI H2 Rocket & NASA’s space shuttle
• Providing engine start & activating altitude control on multiple tactical & strategic missile platforms
• Providing safety for human rated devices & tactical ground operations
• Providing small turbine engine start


Customization & Advancements

PacSci EMC produces some of the world’s finest precision impulse rocket motors and attitude control motors for aircraft, missile and launched equipment and weapons – each designed to meet specific thrust and burn requirements. and benefit your ultimate mission goal.

We’ve incorporated advanced rocket motor technology into Network Attitude Control Thruster Systems (ACTS). ACTS technology can be used to rapidly steer “smart” bullets. “smart” mortars. tactical and cruise missiles. launch vehicles. satellites and kill -vehicles and to boost-phase interceptors and any vehicle that requires rapid maneuvering for both tactical and strategic applications.


  • What can a Pyro Igniter do?

    This product can actuate control systems, deploy and retract equipment, start turbine motors, ignite rocket motors and provide ground safety during vehicle launch.

  • What applications is a Pyrotechnic Igniter used for?

    PacSci EMC pyro igniters are trusted by our customers to ensure successful performance on their applications missiles, space, aircraft and ground operations.

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