Emergency Escape & Safety Systems:
Functioning 1st time, every time, reliable designs flight crews expect.
We count on everyone coming home and milliseconds matter when it comes to safety in the sky
For decades, we have been providing protection from fire, emergency egress/canopy fracturing, and flotation device release in the case of emergencies. From Apache to Viper, the aircrews count on PacSci EMC to keep them safe.
Canopy Fracturing & Transparency Removal Systems (CFS/TRS)
CFS / TRS is one method of providing the aircrew a clear and safe passage from the cockpit in the event of an emergency on the ground, in the air or underwater. PacSci EMC’s experience is in all three environments. Our systems successfully fracture or sever cast acrylic, cast acrylic or polycarbonate and can be initiated by mechanical pull / push, hot gas or electrical methods. We manufacture a variety of linear explosives to clear the path in the canopy transparency material and the appropriate initiation manifolds, designed and tolerance to ensure a safe and reliable linear explosive initiation.
Initiation of CFS/TRS
- Flexible Linear Shaped Charge
- Mild Detonating Cord
- Expanding Tube Assembly
- Rapid Deflagration Cord Transfer Line
FLSC/MDC/XTA Initiation Manifolds
Canopy Hatch Jettison
Canopy / Hatch Jettison is another method of providing the aircrew a clear and safe passage from the cockpit in the event of an emergency on the ground or in the air. Our systems successfully unlock canopies, sever hatches and propel structure away so a clear path for an ejection seat or person is safe to egress the cockpit. Like canopy fracturing, jettison of a transparency or hatch can be initiated by mechanical pull / push, hot gas or electrical methods. We manufacture a variety of pyro devices to clear the path, all designed and tolerance to ensure a safe and reliable emergency escape.
Initiation of Canopy / Hatch Jettison
Unlocking or Severing
- Flexible Linear Shaped Charge
- Mild Detonating Cord
- Expanding Tube Assembly
- Pyrotechnic Actuator
- Explosive Bolts
FLSC / MDC / XTA Initiation Manifolds
Event & Inter-Seat Sequencing System (ISS)
Sequencing systems provide the step 1 through step next after initiation of the overall system. Sequencing occurs in multiple forms between seats and canopies / hatches or between two or more ejection seats in the cockpit. This requires the ability to network a variety of components into logical set of steps to provide a safe escape path and egress from the cockpit without interference between the seats or canopy / hatch. PacSci EMC’s Explosive Transfer Lines, CADs/PADs and Electronic capabilities provide multiple system sequencing options for fighter, trainer, bomber and transport aircraft for ensuring aircrew can safely exit an aircraft in an air or ground emergency.
Sequencing System
Ejection Seats
Ejection Seats utilize different pyrotechnic devices to initiate other explosive devices or cause an event to happen quickly. PacSci EMC’s experience working with ejection seat manufacturers has led not only to the successful integration of our components but more importantly the saving of many aircrew lives.
Ejection Seat Pyrotechnics
Fire Suppression
Rapid and fast-acting, our cartridges ensure the fire suppressant flows from their storage bottles by opening a closure in milliseconds when a command signal is received. They are qualified to MIL-DTL-23659 and MIL-D-21625C for Type III service release. Fire Ex Cartridges also meet the specification requirements of the aircraft fire suppression system manufacturers. These qualifications allow you to operate with complete confidence focusing on the mission at hand.