
We design + build emergency safety sub-systems & components. 65+ years of expertise.
Safety-driven & dependable.

Our Expertise. We are the designer, qualifier, manufacturer and field support of CADs, PADs, EEDs, electronics and linear products in today’s’ modern aircraft safety systems. Our experience, reliability and collaboration with government and contractors is demonstrated by the sub-systems and components in platforms flying PacSci EMC products today.

Thousands of aircrew rescued. Our products ensure the proper initiation, sequencing and function of aircraft safety systems including Emergency Escape, Canopy Fracturing, Fire Extinguishing, Load Release, Flotation, Underwater Escape and Countermeasure sub-systems and components. These reliable and fast acting products ensure the safe recovery of aircrew and passengers.

Our Commitment. Our dedicated team applies the most advanced technology providing the safest and most reliable sub-systems and components in aircraft today.

Our products meet the requirements of JSSG-2010-3, MIL-C-83124, MIL-C-83125, MIL-STD-810, MIL-STD-882, MIL-STD-1472, MIL-STD-23659 and MIL-HDBK-781 and multiple customer SOW’s and specifications. We are also ISO9001 and AS9100 certified.

Emergency Escape Systems

Providing emergency escape from a catastrophic event in flight, on the ground or underwater; sub-systems and components, explosive and inert, for fixed wing aircraft and helicopters. Successful escape system initiation, canopy / hatch removal, event sequencing and aircrew recovery events designed with safety, quality, reliability and sustainability across the entire life cycle.

Ground Egress, In-Flight and Underwater Emergency Egress

Fire Suppression

Rapid and fast-acting, our cartridges ensure the fire suppressant flows from their storage bottles by opening a closure in milliseconds when a command signal is received. They are qualified to MIL-DTL-23659 and MIL-D-21625C for Type III service release. PacSci EMC supports Fire Suppression System manufacturers in obtaining FAA Airworthiness Approval 8130 tags for commercial airliners by designing, testing and manufacturing Fire Ex Cartridges that meet their specification requirements. These qualifications allow you to operate with complete confidence focusing on the mission at hand.

Engine. APU. Cargo Bays. Gear Boxes

Payload Deployment & Emergency Release

Providing the means to release mission-critical devices like missiles, weapons and relief supplies or emergency jettison of a pylon or fuel tank or severance of a winch cable, we have the devices necessary to ensure mission success and aircrew safety.

Fixed Wing, Helicopter, Unmanned

Emergency Assist Systems

Fly with confidence with our initiating and deployment components for safe escape and recovery of aircrew and passengers. These include reliable initiation of commercial airliner escape slides, helicopter flotation systems, activation of aircraft door Emergency Power Assist Systems (EPAS) or deploying a life raft. Again, PacSci EMC supports the manufacturers of these emergency assist systems in obtaining FAA Airworthiness Approval 8130 tags for commercial airliners by designing, testing and manufacturing a range of devices that meet their specification requirements.

Fixed Wing. Helicopter. Unmanned.

Unmanned Systems

Unmanned systems and vehicles are part of everyday life supporting commercial and military efforts. Our pyrotechnic devices provide fast and reliable actions including engine start, door / panel removal, arming & safeing of payload, wing / fin deployment, payload release or even flight / equipment termination. These events only occur when you, the unmanned vehicle user, provide the command to function and not before.

Fixed Wing, Rotorcraft, Ground, Underwater, Accessory Equipment

Other Components & Services

Whether meeting FAA certification requirements, obtaining a precise exit velocity, conducting specialty training, or performing critical testing, PacSci EMC offers additional components and services to support your critical aircraft needs.

Fixed Wing, Helicopters, Support