Commercial Fixed Wing Aircraft

We partner with industry leaders providing energetic components and subsystems

Commercial Aircraft Emergency Safety
1,000,000+ fire extinguishing cartridges delivered.
Since Charles Lindbergh made his historic flight across the Atlantic, we have been a strong supplier of safety-related products to the commercial aircraft market. Our heritage over the past half century includes fire extinguishing slide deployment initiation cartridges, as well as Emergency Power Assist System (EPAS) initiation for opening door and performing jet engine blade out testing to support FAA certification. We continually work to improve safety while providing innovative products for the next generation of aircraft in the commercial marketplace. Our Commitment: Our qualified product ensures safety every day, on thousands of flights and in testing centers worldwide. We continually work with air-frame manufacturers and their key suppliers to reduce cost and weight while improving the performance of our components and subsystems. We leverage our green energetic solutions in fire extinguishing cartridges by removing lead from our components in the aircraft.

Fire Suppression

Rapid and fast-acting, our cartridges ensure the fire suppressant flows from their storage bottles by opening a closure in milliseconds when a command signal is received. They are qualified to MIL-DTL-23659 and MIL-D-21625C for Type III service release. PacSci EMC supports Fire Suppression System manufacturers in obtaining FAA Airworthiness Approval 8130 tags for commercial airliners by designing, testing and manufacturing Fire Ex Cartridges that meet their specification requirements. These qualifications allow you to operate with complete confidence focusing on the mission at hand.

Fast, Reliable Initiation

New Fire Suppression Technology

Emergency Escape

PacSci EMC’s emergency escape system efforts provide an excellent basis for its offering to commercial aircraft. Our products already contain the DNA of safe, reliable and fast, using those attributes to support of Evacuation Slide and Emergency Power Assist System (EPAS) manufacturers ensuring their proper function when commanded. offers additional components and services to support your critical aircraft needs.

Fast & Reliable Initiation

Precise Severance

Other Aircraft Components & Services

Whether meeting military engine certification requirements, obtaining a precise exit velocity, conducting specialty training, or performing critical testing, PacSci EMC offers additional components and services to support your critical aircraft needs. We also provide: Training & Field Service | Safety Training or Technical Issue Support Reliability, Service Life, & Evaluation Testing

Flight Data Recorder ‘Black Box’ Release

Blade Outs